The Town Board is comprised of the Supervisor and four Councilmen. The Board sets policy, approves the budget, adopts local laws, implements policies and administrates local affairs. Each Councilman serves four year terms and the Supervisor serves a two year term. The Town holds annual local elections in November to elect Supervisor and Councilmen, depending on which terms have expired. Residents may also vote on public referenda during these elections.

The public is welcome to the Town Board Meetings, held the first and third Monday of each month at the Athens Municipal Building, 2 First  St., Athens, NY 12015 at 6:00 p.m. 

Note: The first meeting in November is held the Thursday after the election and meetings that fall on Holidays are usually held on Tuesday.

Town Supervisor
Michael Pirrone

Town Council
Tami Bone
Mary Brandow
Anthony Paluch
Becky Pine

New York State Representative
Christopher Tague

Marc Molinaro

State Senator
Michelle Hinchey

County Legislator
Edward Bloomer
