If you do not find the information you are looking for below, please contact:
Town of Athens
2 First Street, Athens
How do I report a water leak or street light outage?
Please contact the Village of Athens DPW Garage at 518-945-2618 (Village)
Town of Athens Highway Department at 518-945-1299 (Town)
If I detect a Natural Gas odor who do I report it to?
Contact Central Hudson at 800-942-8274.
If I experience an Animal Control issue where do I call?
Dog Conrtol Officer Sherry Vieta 518-322-9783
If it is an emergency dial 911.
Is Garbage Removal provided by the Town?
Not at this time, please contact a private garbage removal company or view available Recycling and Waste Management information.
Where can I take my Recyclables to?
Either to the Transfer Station on Rt 385 in Catskill or the Coxsackie Transfer Station on Plank Rd.
When and why do I need a building permit?
For more information, Please contact the Town of Athens Code Enforcement Officer, Albert Gasparini, at 518-945-2430 or 518-945-1052 ext. 4
For the Town of Athens Building Permit Application click here.
Do I need a Permit to have a yard sale?
No, you can hold a yard sale at any time. Athens also holds an Annual Yard Sale day in August.
Where can I view a copy of the Town's budget?
You can view it on this Website. Under Town Board.
Or you can view a copy of the Town budget at the Town Clerk's office, located at 2 First Street.
Who do I contact regarding my property taxes?
Please contact the Town Assessor, Dawn DeRose at 518-945-1044 with all information and concerns regarding your property taxes. Any questions regarding the Assessor's hours of operation can be answered by calling the Town Clerk at 518-945-1052.
Who is responsible for maintenance and clearing of the sidewalks?
Individual property owners are responsible for the maintenance and clearing of sidewalks in front of their property.
Does my sign need to be approved by the Planning Board?
Yes, Please find more information on our Planning & Zoning page.
Do I need a work permit and planning approval to replace my fence or to construct a detached storage building, garage or shed?
Yes, Please find more information on our Planning & Zoning page.
Does the Town of Athens have a Dog Park?
Yes, The Dog Park is located at the Bunker Hill Park on Union Street, Athens.
Can I launch my boat from Athens?
Yes, Athens has a N.Y.S Boat Launch north of the Town.
Also, kayaks and canoes may be launched at a new 4th street launch, beginning in the summer of 2009.