The Planning Board's responsibility is to review all proposals affecting land use in the Town. This Board approves Plats, conducts, approves, or disapproves site plan reviews and subdivisions, and also reviews Building Permit Applications in the Historic District. This Board may be advisory.
The Zoning Board's responsibility is to interpret the Town Code and review Applications for Special Use Permits and Variances (area and use) based upon the Code. This Board is not advisory.
The Planning Board has ten members with 7-year terms. The Zoning Board has six members with 5-year terms. The Code Enforcement Officer issues work permits and enforces the code of the Town.
The public is welcome to attend the Planning Board meetings, which are held the fourth Thursday of each month at 2 First Street in Athens. The Zoning Board meets the second Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m.
Planning Board
- Eric Nelson - Chairperson/Member
- Gail Stacey - Secretary
- Gerald Bunting
- Connie Faria
- Kenneth Fuller
- Fran McCusker
- Thomas Satterlee
- Barbara Trembacz
- Michael Barton (alternate)
- Courtney Sherman (alternate)
- Albert Gasparini-CEO/Advisor
Fee Schedule
For Subdivision and Site-Plan Consideration
Site Plan Application: $200.00
Minor Subdivision
Application: $50.00
Preliminary Plan (per lot): $50.00
Major Subdivision
Application: $200.00
Preliminary Plan (per lot): $75.00
Recreation Fee (per lot over 100): $500.00
In addition, applicant is responsible for:
- Cost incurred by the Town of Athens for Town Engineer to visit the subdivision location and review plans including drainage and sewerage sites, if required by the Planning Board. To review a site plan the first two hours of fees are included.
- Cost of legal notices required for public hearings to be placed in newspapers.
- Cost of mailing property owner notification letters by certified mail.
Zoning Board
- Chris Ames - Chairman/member
- Jeanne Oliveira- Secretary
- Susan Brady
- Mathew Sovern
- Chris Sprague
- Sean Biedermann
- Antonio Cacarco(alternate)
- Albert Gasparini-CEO/Advisor
Site Plan Review
Subdivision Plat Review
Application Fee: $100.00. If there are any further hearing costs, applicant will pay balance at Public Hearing
Guidelines for Applicants to the Zoning Board of Appeals.pdf